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Markowski on the Market – Weekly Sessions Live
Secure Your Future Every Saturday at 11:30 A.M. (EST)
Actionable and timely info to protect and grow your portfolio each Saturday at 11:30AM (EST) including updates for week just ended and covering:
- S&P 500 market cap weighted index technical trends & divergences vs:
– S&P 500 equal cap index
– Sector ETFs
- Secular Bear Market, which began in 2022, will not end until 2030 at the earliest and projected to be cause for minimum decline of 61% for S&P 500
- U.S. and global economy
- defensive growth portfolio recommendations for:
─ Micro-cap stocks with 10X upside potential
─ Private companies with up to 100X upside potential
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Michael Markowski, Director of Research for Developer of “Defensive Growth Strategy”. Entered markets with Merrill Lynch in 1977. Named “Top 50 Investor” by Fortune Magazine. Formerly, underwriter of venture stage IPOs, including one acquired by United Health Care for 1700% gain. Since 2002 has conducted empirical research to develop algorithms which predict the negative and positive extremes for the market and stocks. Has verifiable track records for predicting (1) bankruptcies of blue chips, (2) market crashes and (3) stocks multiplying by 10X. In a 2007 Equities Magazine article predicted the epic collapses for Lehman, Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch. Most recent algorithm developed from research of UBER and AirBnB has enabled identification of startups having 100X upside potential within 7 to 10 years.